6 Easy Steps

The complete process made intuitive - in 6 easy steps..

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Step 1

Automated receiving through distribution for approval and follow up

  • All supplier invoices are automatically received/registered by DocuBizz, combining data OCR-read directly from the invoice and data from your ERP’s vendor account database.
  • The OCR extraction is setup and run by DocuBizz specialists, optimized continuously and specifically for your needs, as an integrated part of your service.

Step 2 and 3

  • Invoices are sent for approval, manually or automatically rule-based, to one or multiple approvers – or groups.
  • Alternatively the invoice is matched with a purchase order and processed accordingly.
  • Distributing costs associated with the invoice can be done prior to sending out for approval, automatically rule-based or entered by the approver(s) at the time of approval.
  • Up to date accounts from your ERP system are always available in DocuBizz.

Step 4

  • Your administrative staff will love the ability to manage the transparent process in a timely manner with NO late payments.
  • Locate and drill down on any transaction under processing. Take immediate action if necessary.


Step 5

A thorough approval process – made simple and intuitive

  • The daily DocuBizz email reminder ensures that nothing is ignored or forgotten.
  • Daily, your approvers will automatically be made aware if action is required, and specifically what is needed.

Step 6

  • Your approvers will love the ability to scrutinize their suppliers as well as the ease of allocating costs to the appropriate designated account(s).
  • Easily compare with previous approvals, reference contracts, terms & conditions and determine whether to approve, reject or hold for further investigation.

Step 6+ - on mobile device

Approve On The Move™, with any IOS or Android device.